Refill Revolution

Refill Revolution is a movement to change America’s disposable mindset about beverage containers and end the negative impact our throw-away behavior has on resources, the environment and the health of living things—including us. Refill Revolution focuses on Annapolis’ waterways by motivating boaters, paddlers and anglers to replace single-user plastic water bottles with, refillable reusables.

Ditch harmful and expensive throw-away plastic water bottles and refill your own reusable one ata water refill station for free. Two Annapolis Green branded refill stations are conveniently located at the Market House andat Visit Annapolis (Visitors Center, 26 West Street). Others are located at:Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park (723 Second Street and 7300 Edgewood Road) and the Pip Moyer Recreation Center (273 Hilltop Lane).

Join Annapolis Green’s Refill Revolution as we encourage individuals, businesses, government and civic leaders to reject single-use plastic water bottles, cups, straws, stirrers, food containers and utensils, and adopt more sustainable, healthier alternatives  that can be used thousands of times.  Start by watching The Story of Bottled Water and learn more. You’ll be glad you did.


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Annapolis Green

We connect, inform, and inspire Annapolis area residents, organizations, and businesses to care for the environment, live more responsibly, create a more beautiful, thriving community, and have fun!

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