Think Before You Shrink

boats covered in shrinkwrap

Are you doing your part to keep plastic out of the landfills?

Join the more than 30 Maryland marinas recycling their shrinkwrap

a message from
Marine Trades Association of Maryland logo

We understand that your busiest time of year is when the wrap comes off. We know it can be a real pain to deal with piles and piles of plastic wrap. We also know that our industry is contributing way too much plastic to the landfills instead of recycling. WE ALL NEED TO GET ONBOARD WITH RECYCLING!

Some boaters are already paying to have the wrap hauled away; we have yet to find haulers who are recycling the material and, therefore, it is ending up in the landfill.

Taking advantage of our recycling option guarantees that the wrap is recycled while YOU do your part!

List of marinas in Anne Arundel County participating in the shrinkwrap program

Here’s how it WORKS:

  • MTAM will sell and distribute bags that hold up to 40 lbs. of clean shrinkwrap to participating marinas and boatyards. (MTAM will not be set up to sell to individual boaters this year.)
  • Cost of each bag is $15.This includes the pickup/transportation and recycling of the filled bags. We prefer orders in multiples of 30 as the bags are packaged in multiples of 30 and it allows us to maximize our trips to pick-up wrap. We will make every effort to make smaller orders work in conjunction with other marinas in your area.
  • Critical to the successful recycling of boat shrinkwrap is keeping it pure and clean. All straps, zippers, doors and vents must be removed for the wrap to be accepted by recyclers.
  • MTAM will schedule and notify you of your pick-up date by April 1 so you can plan for removal.
  • Only bagged wrap will be accepted.
  • NEW THIS YEAR: optional signage for your marina explaining the process.
  • In a test run, we fit wrap from a 35-foot boat into one of the bags. By further condensing the wrap, you may be able to get more into a single bag, but we ask that you not exceed 40 lbs. per bag. (See our video here for how to remove: MTAM Shrink Wrap Recycling – YouTube)
  • Questions and orders for bags should be directed to Bags will be delivered to you by March 15.
  • THINK BEFORE YOU SHRINK can also mean encouraging marina customers to purchase canvas covers that are reusable. This option, in the end, saves money.

boat with a canvas cover


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