Maddy’s Tip #7: Recycling correctly

maddy's tips

Today’s Sustainable Action: Recycling!

Recycling correctly is a critical job that every human must do. It is important to recycle so natural resources are saved and so extra, non-compostable trash doesn’t pile up in landfills. Not only does this take up room, but it is not healthy for the soil. Things like cardboard, plastic bottles, and yogurt cups should be recycled! On the contrary, things like Styrofoam and candy wrappers can not be recycled. It is important to understand what can’t go in the recycling because just one misplaced item could cause the whole batch of recycling to be sent to a landfill. So next time you are throwing something away, think about whether it should go in the trash or recycling!

Visit this link to figure out what items go where in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County.  Also consider getting the Recycle Coach app to further help you recycle better!

Today’s Fact:

A single plastic cup can take 50 to 80 years to break down.

Related info: Hazardous Waste Drop Off Event, September 25


maddy-brianas-photoIt’s the next generation that will deal with the effects of Climate Change on the Earth so we are thrilled to publicize Maddy Brianas and her Tips! Maddy is an Annapolis teen who is passionate about protecting the environment. In 2019 she and her sister, Bella (and their parents), participated in our Have a Heart Do Your Part cleanup and then turned around and did a birthday fundraiser to benefit Annapolis Green!


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