Private: News & Opinion

Expand your mind

When it comes upping your “Green” knowledge, there’s no shortage of resources to help. Check out a workshop or take a class. Attend a lecture, view a documentary, or read a blog. Participate in a demonstration or volunteer for a hands-on date with Mother Nature. Stretch your mind and stay informed—Earth is a fascinating place.

burning earth

Code Red for Humanity. We all need to do our part.

For years we’ve done our best to bring the global issue of Climate Change to you at the local level as we increasingly see the effects of what we should now call Climate Disruption right here where we live. At the global level, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its sixth report […]

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turtle swimming with plastic bag

Plastic Bag Reduction Act – In support

by Jared Littmann HB 314 (Plastic Bag Reduction Act) is the proposed Maryland legislation that would ban, after 18 months, single use carryout plastic bags. I support this legislation for the following reasons: The plastic bag ban is the right thing for the environment as we need to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. It […]

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