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October 2024

Ask an EV Owner

October 2 at 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Ask an EV Owner

Get your questions about driving electric answered by people who know -- experienced EV drivers -- in a fun, informal way, via Zoom. This is an initiative of the Electric Vehicle Association of Greater DC (EVADC), our local EV drivers' group. Anyone can join in on the first Wednesday of each month at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83125134893?pwd=TWVqZnZIR3JZUlpFeDBtWDdTeElidz09 Password: TWVqZnZIR3JZUlpFeDBtWDdTeElidz09

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November 2024

Ask an EV Owner

November 6 at 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Ask an EV Owner

Get your questions about driving electric answered by people who know -- experienced EV drivers -- in a fun, informal way, via Zoom. This is an initiative of the Electric Vehicle Association of Greater DC (EVADC), our local EV drivers' group. Anyone can join in on the first Wednesday of each month at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83125134893?pwd=TWVqZnZIR3JZUlpFeDBtWDdTeElidz09 Password: TWVqZnZIR3JZUlpFeDBtWDdTeElidz09

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December 2024

Ask an EV Owner

December 4 at 7:30 pm
Ask an EV Owner

Get your questions about driving electric answered by people who know -- experienced EV drivers -- in a fun, informal way, via Zoom. This is an initiative of the Electric Vehicle Association of Greater DC (EVADC), our local EV drivers' group. Anyone can join in on the first Wednesday of each month at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83125134893?pwd=TWVqZnZIR3JZUlpFeDBtWDdTeElidz09 Password: TWVqZnZIR3JZUlpFeDBtWDdTeElidz09

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Annapolis Green

We connect, inform, and inspire Annapolis area residents, organizations, and businesses to care for the environment, live more responsibly, create a more beautiful, thriving community, and have fun!

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